>Samsung Modus 3500 Review

December 13, 2011


Samsung Modus 3500 Review

Introduction and Design:

Convenience is the quintessential luxury that manufacturers attempt to steer with their product offerings, but in the case of most Bluetooth headsets, they mostly gravitate to being a monotone solution. Sure there are some stereo Bluetooth earphones that will get the job done, but they can obviously be a bit more cumbersome in carrying around. However, the Samsung Modus 3500 aims to be a double dose solution with its mono to convertible implementation – while still being easily portable and compact. Packaged with the Bluetooth headset are 2 ear hooks, 3 ear gels, microUSB wall charger, clip, wired stereo headphone, and a user manual.

Samsung Modus 3500 Review
Samsung Modus 3500 Review

From a quick inspection, the Modus 3500 is a normal-looking headset that’s constructed out of glossy white plastic with some chrome trims to accent its design. However, it doesn’t necessarily exhibit something strikingly spectacular seeing that it feels hollow and looks much like a cookie cutter headset – but it’s very light weight.

Samsung Modus 3500 Review
Samsung Modus 3500 Review
Samsung Modus 3500 Review

The Samsung Modus is a compact looking headset

Thanks to the rubbery ear buds with loops, it provides for a sufficient snug fit without the aid of the ear hook. Conversely, you’ll be required to clip it on if you prefer using the standard ear bud – but still, it comfortably hugs onto your ear without becoming too irritating during long usage.

Samsung Modus 3500 Review
Samsung Modus 3500 Review

On its sides, we’re presented with an LED light indicator and power switch which conveniently allows you to confirm for sure if it’s on or off. Additionally, we find the distinctive feeling and adequately sized volume rocker as well. And thanks to its noticeable talk button, you won’t have to fumble around with your finger to find its placement. In the rear, the microUSB not only accepts power to charge the headset, but it’s also the connection for the included wired headphones to enable stereo usage. Finally, there is one pin-hole for the microphone found towards the end of the boom while another one is located in the surface near the multifunction button.

Samsung Modus 3500 Review
Samsung Modus 3500 Review
Samsung Modus 3500 Review

The volume rocker

The power switch


Samsung Modus 3500 Review

Taking it out of the box and powering it on for the first time automatically places the Samsung Modus 3500 into pairing mode, from there, it didn’t require much work for us to connect it with an iPhone 4 and Samsung Epic 4G thanks to its multipoint capability.

Thanks to the physical volume rockers, it naturally provides you the ability to quickly modify its level at any given time. When set to its highest setting, the earpiece is more than deafening to make it extremely audible for even people with difficulty in hearing. Thankfully, it doesn’t distort the quality of audio as it resonates with some serious power. Unfortunately, voices sound broken up and crackly in tone, which doesn’t help on top of the exuberant amount of static noise that’s evident.

Even though it states that it packs noise cancellation technology, our callers still experienced an abundant amount of noise that’s picked up by the headset’s microphone. From subtle knocks to the wind, it distorts our voice which makes for some difficulty during conversations. However, in quiet conditions, our callers had no issues in comprehending our voice.

When the stereo headphones are connected, they provide an ample amount of volume to make listening to music such an eventful experience. Plus, the buds on the headphones provide a subtle amount of suction when they’re placed into ear to lightly keep out some environmental noise. Granted that it’s a lot better to carry around these wired headphones, you’re still presented with the problem of storage when they’re not being used.

In our testing, the fully charged Samsung Modus 3500 managed to pull out 6 hours of continuous talk time before it ran out of juice – which is what the manufacturer has it rated for. However, it doesn’t have the rapid charge time of some recent headsets we’ve checked out. So that means you’ll be required to let it charge for a period of time to get it to a sufficient usable level.


Aside from its ability to transition from a mono headset to a stereo one with its included wired headphone attachment, its performance and lackluster set of features doesn’t contend with other modern offerings. Moreover, we’re not too thrilled by its below average calling quality and ordinary looking design. When you look down at it, the $69.99 price point it holds shouldn’t break the bank for most people, but there are other similar offerings that provide better performance in a variety of aspects.


  • Convertible headset implementation
  • Snug fit


  • Poor calling quality
  • Noise cancellation is lacking
  • Ordinary design

Sumber : http://www.phonearena.com

>Solusi Problem CVT Honda BeAT

February 13, 2011


Motor matic memang termasuk motor yang nyaman untuk dikendarai. Mekanisme mesin skubek memang kompak. Itu karena skubek didukung CVT yang terdiri dari puli primer dan sekunder dengan kopling sentrifugal (otomatis). Saking kompaknya, skubek enggak butuh pemindah gigi. Ya, seperti Honda BeAT, suara mesin dan putarannya terbilang sangat halus mulai dari rpm bawah sampai atas.

Tapi, sehalus-halusnya CVT, kalau salah satu komponen bermasalah repot juga. Selain timbul suara berisik, tunggangan seperti tersendat mulai mesin dihidupkan hingga grip gas dibuka untuk jalankan motor matik.
Biasanya belt di puli mulai kotor, roller miring (peang), lubang alur di mangkuk puli skunder skunder agak terkikis atau mangkuk kampas kopling sentrifugal tiddak rata lagi. Makanya timbul suara aneh dan jalan skubek enggak normal.
Namun sumber semua masalah selain cara pakai yang kasar, juga tergantung dari cara pemilik merawat mesin. Apalagi komponen di CVT rawan debu, oli dan air. Ketika sudah tidak peduli lagi, komponen gampang rusak hingga timbul berisik atau jalan tersendat.
Cara paling sederhana jaga kondisi CVT agar tetap baik yaitu hindari 3 hal itu. Misal selalu bersihkan filter udara CVT setiap 3 bulan atau berbarengan saat servis berkala. Namun jika filter udara mulai berpori besar, tersumbat atau robek segera diganti dan tidak bisa ditawar.
Jika debu campur air masuk ke rumah CVT dan mengendap di belt atau roller, kedua komponen bukan cuma cepat terkikis tapi akan timbulkan suara mendecit. Parahnya lagi jalannya tunggangan tidak lencer lagi.
Persolan juga bisa dari cara pakai dan perawatan. Apalagi kalau komponen CVT juga gunakanan pelumas khusus berupa gemuk (grease) tidak dilakukan penggatian secara berkala. Makanya disarankan untuk melakukan pelumasan rutin setiap satu tahun sekali.
Sumber : ototips.otomotifnet.com

>Honda Vario Sering Mati Mendadak? Nih Penyebabnya!

February 11, 2011


Kasus Honda Vario mati mendadak jadi momok pemiliknya. Memang bikin panik, meski setelah didiamkan sejenak atau distarter bisa langsung kembali menyala.
Trus apa penyebabnya? Sebelum menyalahkan skubek Honda paling laris ini, sebaiknya instropeksi diri terlebih dahulu. Pasalnya, penyebab utamanya akibat human error. Mati mendadak pada Vario karena kehilangan kompresi. Ada dua penyebab. Yang pertama karena kesalahan saat melakukan penyetelan jarak kerenggangan klep (gb.1).
Kompresi pada Honda Vario tergolong tinggi, mencapai 10,7:1. Kompresi tinggi menghasilkan suhu tinggi di ruang bakar. Kalau terlalu tinggi, klep dan pelatuk (rocker arm) akan memuai.
Saat memuai, pelatuk akan terus mendorong klep sehingga kompresi bocor. Makanya ketika di selah akan terasa ngelos. Ini karena tidak ada kompresi. Saat mesin dingin, jarak kerenggangan klep akan kembali normal dan bisa dihidupkan lagi.
Tak heran bila sebenarnya Honda menyarankan kerenggangan klep yang cukup renggang untuk Vario. Dipatok 0,16 mm untuk klep masuk dan 0,25 mm untuk klep buang.
Bandingkan dengan Honda BeAT yang kompresinya lebih rendah, hanya 9,2:1. Kerenggangan klepnya bisa lebih rapat, hingga 0,14 mm untuk klep masuk dan buang.
Agar presisi, melakukan setel klep harus menggunakan alat ukur bernama filler (gb.2). Lempengan plat tipis ini menjadi patokan kerenggangan antara klep dan pelatuk klep.
Lalu, penyebab kedua adalah akibat tumpukan karbon di ruang bakar. Karbon (kerak diruang bakar) sering mengganjal klep sehingga klep terus terbuka dan kehilangan kompresi.
Begitu distarter lagi, karbonnya rontok dan bisa hidup kembali, Kalau yang ini harus dibersihkan secara berkala.
Biasanya di bengkel umum atau jaringan bengkel resmi Honda menawarkan service besar yang salah satu itemnya adalah melakukan pembersihan di ruang bakar.
Artinya, asal perawatannya benar, enggak akan mati mendadak.


>Pahami Pelumasan Mesin Skutik, Yuk Ikuti Petunjuk!

February 8, 2011


Mendengar kata pelumasan di skutik, jangan hanya terpaku pada oli mesin saja lo. Soalnya ada beberapa bagian lain yang juga butuh pelumasan serta penggantian pelumasnya secara berkala.

Yuk kita telaah bagian demi bagian itu. Karena jika sampai lolos dari perhatian, tandanya sobat enggak sayang sama motornya dong. Hehehe..!

Kalau untuk mesin, rata-rata penggantian periodik dilakukan minimal setiap 2.000 – 2.500 km. Tapi ingat, oli yang digunakan jangan asal lo. Pilih yang sesuai spesifikasi. Untuk skutik, sebaiknya gunakan yang berspek JASO MB. Karena oli ini cenderung lebih licin dan khusus dibuat untuk mesin kopling kering.

Maklum, pada skutik mesin cenderung bermain di putaran tinggi. Sehingga butuh pelumas yang lebih licin dan encer biar sirkulasi olinya cepat merambat ke semua komponen bergerak di silinder dan kepala silinder.

 Makanya lazimnya oli matik punya tingkat kekentalan atau SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) lebih encer dari oli motor berkopling basah kayak bebek dan sport.

Bagian berikutnya yang juga kudu diperhatikan adalah oli girboks atau gigi reduksi. “Di skutik Honda, oli ini disarankan diganti setiap 8.000 km berbarengan dengan servis bagian CVT,” bilang Wedijanto Wi­darso, Manager Tecnical Departemen Service Divison PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) beberapa waktu lalu.

Beberapa bagian komponen bergerak pada CVT wajib dilumasi menggunakan grease khusus tahan panas secara berkala

Rata-rata hampir sama pula dengan skutik merek lain. Tapi di matiknya Suzuki, sarannya setiap 5.000 km. Lalu khusus Yamaha Xeon, setiap 9.000 km.

Lantas oli apa yang harus digunakan? Menurut beberapa mekanik, untuk girboks gak masalah pakai oli mesin.

“Makin kental makin bagus. Tapi takarannya sedikit saja, sekitar 100 – 150 cc tergantung motornya,” bilang M. Fadli, juragan Fadli Motor di Jl. Raya Bogor Km.41,5 yang kerap menangani matik.

Namun kalau dari pabrikan sih rekomendasinya pakai oli khusus untuk gigi reduksi. Masing-masing pabrikan sudah mengeluarkan oli khususnya kayak Yamalube Gear Oil (Yamaha), SGO (Suzuki), AHM Oil Transmission Gear (Honda).

Lalu bagian mana lagi yang butuh pelumasan? “Beberapa komponen bergerak pada sistem CVT wajib dilumasi menggunakan grease khusus secara berkala. Sekalian membersihkan ruang CVT dari  kotoran dan debu. Untuk produk Yamaha umumnya setiap 10.000 km,” beber M. Abidin, Manager Technical Departement Service Division PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) beberapa waktu lalu.

Untuk produk Honda, kata Wedijanto setiap 8.000 km. Nah, bagian yang dilumasi antara lain primary sliding sheave berikut spacer-nya, secondary sliding sheave serta secondary­ fixed sheave dan sebagainya. (motorplus.otomotifnet.com)

>Free Gambling

January 18, 2011

>Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as “the stakes”) on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.

The term gaming in this context typically refers to instances in which the activity has been specifically permitted by law. The two words are not mutually exclusive; i.e., a “gaming” company offers (legal) “gambling” activities to the public and may be regulated by one of many gaming control boards. However, this distinction is not universally observed in the English-speaking world. For instance, in the UK, the regulator of gambling activities is called the Gambling Commission (not the Gaming Commission). Also, the word gaming is frequently used to describe activities that do not involve wagering, especially online.

Gambling is also a major international commercial activity, with the legal gambling market totaling an estimated $335 billion in 2009. In other forms, gambling can be conducted with materials which have a value, but aren’t real money; for example, games like Pogs or Magic: The Gathering.
Need a Free Slots, its interesting.


>Free Gambling

January 18, 2011

>Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as “the stakes”) on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.

The term gaming in this context typically refers to instances in which the activity has been specifically permitted by law. The two words are not mutually exclusive; i.e., a “gaming” company offers (legal) “gambling” activities to the public and may be regulated by one of many gaming control boards. However, this distinction is not universally observed in the English-speaking world. For instance, in the UK, the regulator of gambling activities is called the Gambling Commission (not the Gaming Commission). Also, the word gaming is frequently used to describe activities that do not involve wagering, especially online.

Gambling is also a major international commercial activity, with the legal gambling market totaling an estimated $335 billion in 2009. In other forms, gambling can be conducted with materials which have a value, but aren’t real money; for example, games like Pogs or Magic: The Gathering.
Need a Free Slots, its interesting.


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January 7, 2011

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January 7, 2011


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Since this is my activation post for the company I haven’t even signed in yet to see what its all about, so stay tuned and I will let bloggers know if this service works for me.

>Nokia 5250 Review

January 2, 2011


Nokia 5250 ReviewNokia 5250 ReviewNokia 5250 Review


The Nokia 5250 is the most budget-friendly smartphone released with the 5xxx branding so far. Without any doubt, this handset is targeting first time smartphone users with its attractive price ($146/€115 without contract), so it doesn’t come as a shocking surprise that some compromises were made – for example, it sports a 2.8-inch resistive screen and only 51MB built-in memory, while the lack of some vital features like 3G connection and Wi-Fi can make anyone wonder what’s better – to purchase the affordable Nokia 5250 or sacrifice a few more bucks and buy an all-around better low-end smartphone. In all honesty, it’s a matter of personal choice, but please read on for our opinion on the matter.


As can be expected from a handset in this price range, the Nokia 5250’s body is made of plastic, but somehow surprisingly it looks reasonably well and feels good in the hand for what it is. Its dimensions (4.09 x 1.93 x 0.55 inches) mean that you can put the Nokia 5250 in your pocket and forget it’s there, while the phone feels comfortable to hold in both portrait and landscape mode.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

The Nokia 5250’s body is made of plastic, but looks reasonably well and feels good in the hand

Nokia 5250 Review

You can compare the Nokia 5250 with many other phones using our Size Visualization Tool.

As we mentioned above, the Nokia 5250 has a 2.8-inch resistive screen, which isn’t that great, but its 360×640 resolution and 16 million colors mean that you’ll get vivid color reproduction and face no problems to distinguish text. However, the Nokia 5250’s viewing angles are a bit rubbish and the screen is practically unusable in direct sunlight.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

The Nokia 5250 has a 2.8-inch resistive screen

On the front side, this phone has three physical buttons – call, menu and end, while on the right side of the handset you’ll find (from top to bottom) the volume rocker, the lock/unlock slider and the dedicated camera button. You can find the 3.5mm headphone jack, the charging port and the microUSB located on the top side of the phone, while on the back side a 2MP camera resides.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

The sides of the Nokia 5250

Interface and Features:

The Nokia 5250 runs the tried and tested Symbian OS S60 5th Edition. Since pretty much everything has been said about this OS, we wouldn’t go into details, especially as there are no big surprises – you get the usual Symbian experience. This means that you can choose in what mode – grid or list – to see the icons on your menu and it takes not one, but two presses to access anything – one to mark it and one to actually access it. Due to the resistive technology that the Nokia 5250’s screen utilizes, scrolling may be a bit of an issue then and now, but it’s not a massive setback. One pro is that the menu can be customized according to the user’s personal preferences, while a long press of the menu button activates the task manager. Another good point of the Nokia 5250 is that its phonebook capacity depends solely on the free memory on your phone (or microSD card), i.e. there is no limitation for the number of contacts.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

The interface of the Nokia 5250

Messaging is also optimized, since this affordable smartphone comes with a stylus out of the box and handwriting is supported (similar to some other Nokia 5xxx phones, for example the Nokia 5230). A full virtual QWERTY is also there (but only in landscape mode) and the buttons are well-sized for a 2.8-inch screen, although people with bigger fingers may face some problems when using it. Furthermore, the responsiveness of the Nokia 5250’s screen could have been a bit better, but it’s not a big issue at all.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review


Internet and Connectivity:

One of the areas where the Nokia 5250 definitely disappoints is connectivity options. In fact, it supports only EDGE and even Wi-Fi is not present. Furthermore, a GPS service is also not available and to make things even worse, you don’t get a USB cable out of the box.

The browser is what we have come to expect from Nokia, which means downright dated, but for optimal browsing experience on this phone, you can consider downloading Opera Mobile or Opera Mini. Sadly, the overall internet experience seriously suffers from the lack of Wi-Fi and 3G support.

Camera and Multimedia:

The Nokia 5250 has a 2MP camera not unlike its immediate predecessor the Nokia Nuron 5230. There is nothing new about the camera interface, but sadly, the phone’s camera performance is not particularly good. To start with, it doesn’t support autofocus and lacks a flash, not to mention that the quality of the images taken by the Nokia 5250 leaves a lot to be desired – even if you take a picture in perfect conditions, the colors are washed out, hazy and far from natural.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

Outdoor samples shot with the Nokia 5250

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review



Low light

Indoor samples

The video recording capabilities of the Nokia 5250 are not much better either, but in good conditions the videos made by this device can be described as “passable”.Discuss0

Interface and Features:

The Nokia 5250 runs the tried and tested Symbian OS S60 5th Edition. Since pretty much everything has been said about this OS, we wouldn’t go into details, especially as there are no big surprises – you get the usual Symbian experience. This means that you can choose in what mode – grid or list – to see the icons on your menu and it takes not one, but two presses to access anything – one to mark it and one to actually access it. Due to the resistive technology that the Nokia 5250’s screen utilizes, scrolling may be a bit of an issue then and now, but it’s not a massive setback. One pro is that the menu can be customized according to the user’s personal preferences, while a long press of the menu button activates the task manager. Another good point of the Nokia 5250 is that its phonebook capacity depends solely on the free memory on your phone (or microSD card), i.e. there is no limitation for the number of contacts.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

The interface of the Nokia 5250

Messaging is also optimized, since this affordable smartphone comes with a stylus out of the box and handwriting is supported (similar to some other Nokia 5xxx phones, for example the Nokia 5230). A full virtual QWERTY is also there (but only in landscape mode) and the buttons are well-sized for a 2.8-inch screen, although people with bigger fingers may face some problems when using it. Furthermore, the responsiveness of the Nokia 5250’s screen could have been a bit better, but it’s not a big issue at all.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review


Internet and Connectivity:

One of the areas where the Nokia 5250 definitely disappoints is connectivity options. In fact, it supports only EDGE and even Wi-Fi is not present. Furthermore, a GPS service is also not available and to make things even worse, you don’t get a USB cable out of the box.

The browser is what we have come to expect from Nokia, which means downright dated, but for optimal browsing experience on this phone, you can consider downloading Opera Mobile or Opera Mini. Sadly, the overall internet experience seriously suffers from the lack of Wi-Fi and 3G support.

Camera and Multimedia:

The Nokia 5250 has a 2MP camera not unlike its immediate predecessor the Nokia Nuron 5230. There is nothing new about the camera interface, but sadly, the phone’s camera performance is not particularly good. To start with, it doesn’t support autofocus and lacks a flash, not to mention that the quality of the images taken by the Nokia 5250 leaves a lot to be desired – even if you take a picture in perfect conditions, the colors are washed out, hazy and far from natural.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

Outdoor samples shot with the Nokia 5250

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review



Low light

Indoor samples

The video recording capabilities of the Nokia 5250 are not much better either, but in good conditions the videos made by this device can be described as “passable”.

For a handset that’s advertised as a “music-centered phone”, it’s a little bit disappointing that it comes with a built-in memory of only 51MB – even though the Nokia 5250 does have a slot for up to 16GB microSD card. And even if it’s understandable that this phone doesn’t have pre-installed microSD card (due to its price), it’s still annoying that when you put one, the phone’s performance become sluggish from time to time. The music player is the same old Nokia music player that we know perfectly well, but the speaker is really loud (read: one or two bits louder than your average smartphone) and even if it’s true that the Nokia 5250’s headphones won’t win any awards for clear sound, listening to music on a busy street is quite a comfortable experience with this phone. To reiterate the fact that it’s a music-oriented handset, the Nokia 5250 also offers pre-installed RDS support for scanning of FM radio stations, as well as a free version of Guitar Hero.

Nokia 5250 Review
Nokia 5250 Review

The music player of the Nokia 5250

It’s hard to expect that a handset costing $146 contract-free with a 2.8-inch screen will be a multimedia powerhouse, but still it’s a pity that of all video formats that we have tested (DivX, H.264, MOV, Xvid and MPEG4), the Nokia 5250 was able to play only MPEG4 in its native resolution (360×640) and in the 480×640 resolution.


Nokia 5250 Review

During our call tests, our voices sounded loud and clear on both sides, although the person on the other side of the line said our voice sounded a little bit unnatural. According to its manufacturer, the phone is rated at 7 hours of talk time, while its stand by time is listed as 18 days.


The Nokia 5250 is a pretty basic smartphone, but that’s not to say that it doesn’t have its strong points – even if we put aside its affordability, which is the phone’s main advantage, it offers good design and excellent music capabilities. However, if you are not overly impressed by this handset, you may look at some other low-end Nokia phones – for example, the Nokia Nuron 5230 or simply check our “Best Budget phones” category.


  • Cheap
  • Reasonably good-looking for such an affordable handset


  • No 3G, Wi-Fi and GPS service
  • microSD card is a must-buy, due to the limited built-in memory
  • No USB cable out of the box

Sumber : http://www.phonearena.com

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>Nokia C5-03 Review

January 2, 2011


Nokia C5-03 Review


Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

Nokia has had a tough time coming up with a hugely successful high-end device and instead has taken the path to cheaper and more affordable smartphones for the masses. The Nokia C5-03 finds its place at this exact spot as it fits in the mid-range segment of Symbian smartphones. The phone is a close copy of the Nokia C6-01 spec-wise and promises a full connectivity package with 3G on board and free navigation and maps by Ovi. On the negative side, however, the Nokia C5-03 saves on both capacitive screen in favor of resistive and on Symbian^3 in favor of the now officially ancient Symbian^1 aka Symbian S60 5th edition.

The Nokia C5-03 comes with a 2GB microSD card, but you can use cards with up to 16GB of memory. Included in the retail package is also a charger, user guides and one of the shortest microUSB cables we have seen so far.


The Nokia C5-03 is light on your pocket. And we mean it light as light in money, and light as 93-gram light in weight, which puts it somewhere in the top of our list of flyweight smartphones. The phone comes in a variety of color combinations with black or white choices for the body, which can be then paired with different colors for the bottom part. The variety of looks comes bundled with eco-friendly materials – 80 per cent of the body is recyclable, while half of the packaging is made from recyclable materials.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

The Nokia C5-03 comes in a variety of color combinations

Nokia C5-03 Review

You can compare the Nokia C5-03 with many other phones using our Size Visualization Tool.

One thing you might not notice in the beginning is that around the edges, where the screen meets the casing, seems to be a minimal distance, just enough to collect all sorts of garbage. Apart from this issue, the phone feels a bit like a toy, but still with no moving parts and good build quality for a mid-range device.

And speaking of affordable handsets, the screen is where budget played big and Nokia went with resistive technology. This undeniably ruins some of the fun of the otherwise pretty 3.2-inch screen, which boasts a resolution of 360×640 pixels. We pumped up the brightness to its highest level, but that still did not help much in direct sunlight where legibility suffered seriously.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

The sides of the Nokia C5-03

On the back you will see a glossy plastic cover, which is a fingerprint magnet and you will find yourself wiping it out every now and then. What really defines the phone is the bottom part which stands out with its color and three physical buttons. We appreciate that Nokia sticks with physical keys, which give a solid phone feel to the device, something we have been missing even on high-end handsets.

Just behind the plastic back cover lies a 1000 mAh battery, which promises up to 11.5 hours of talk time.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

Interface and Functionality:

With Symbian 9.4 S60 5th Edition on board, let’s talk about memories, not the OS. There really isn’t much new that can be said about the aging platform. The very familiar Symbian^1 is still rich in features and not very touch-friendly. On the positive side, it does have kinetic scrolling and great phone functionality. However the lack of portrait QWERTY and the 3.2-inch screen may make texting hard for some. For a deeper review of the familiar interface take a look at our Nokia 5530 XpressMusic Review.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

The Symbian 9.4 S60 5th Edition on board

Camera and Multimedia:

One thing you might not like about this phone is the fixed-focus camera, which also lacks flash. What we expect from the camera of a budget phone, however, is to complement the overall experience and produce some decent images that you can share on Facebook or the like.

The 5-megapixel snapper shoots at a maximum resolution of 2592 x 1944 pixels and has a number of pre-defined shooting modes, including a manual one, where you get to choose ISO light sensitivity, exposure, sharpness, contrast and white balance. Unfortunately, we had to test the camera in cloudy weather, but dull colors still seemed to be an issue. We could also notice the poor dynamic range and the somewhat oversharpened images. And if you like shooting objects in macro mode (20 inches or closer), you should steer away from anything that has fixed-focus in its name.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

Outdoor samples shot with the Nokia C5-03

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review



Low light

Indoor samples

Overall, we would rate the photos at just about average, nothing more than you would expect on a budget device, but good enough for the times when you don’t have your camera.

The videos shot with the Nokia C5-03 at 14 fps were only good for viewing on the small screen of a mobile device. The camcorder has some settings about scenes, color tone and white balance, but they cannot make up for the low quality of recorded video.

The Nokia C5-03 follows the footsteps of its XpressMusic ancestors and delivers loud and rich, clear sound even at maximum volume. The music player comes with cover art for albums and has various equalizer settings. Radio is also featured, but it will require you to plug in your headphones, which work as an antenna.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

The music player of the Nokia C5-03

Even though 3.2 inches is a bit on the small side in today’s smartphone world, we could not help but watch some videos to kill time on the Nokia C5-03. The vivid colors on the screen are a pleasure to behold, but the handset lacks DivX and XviD support out of the box. MPEG-4 is supported, but resolutions higher than the native 360 by 640 pixels are not tolerated and we would recommend you to stick to the native screen resolution or lower for video.
Internet and Connectivity:

As we said, the Nokia C5-03 is packed with features for the price – quad-band GSM, tri-band 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity as well as free navigation and maps by Ovi are all on board. And while 3G should mean some fast speeds for a smartphone, do not expect to be blown away with extra-quick browsing. We lay the blame mostly on the dated browser as the 600MHz ARM 11 processor works good with other applications.

The Nokia C5-03 doesn’t have multitouch support and browsing is handled by one-finger navigation and double taps to zoom in or out. The surfing experience is below average. Pages render just as on a desktop PC, which would be great if it wasn’t for the lag combined with the very uncomfortable zoom controls that make surfing a much more time consuming experience than it should be. Flash videos are limited to YouTube. But at the end of the day, you can always switch to Opera Mobile for hassle-free browsing.

What makes the Nokia C5-03 stand out among other budget solutions is great and free navigation. The on-board A-GPS module finds the Nokia C5-03’s position quickly and accurately. Driving and walking directions as well as voice navigation on Ovi Maps 3.0 are equally good. Screen size is the biggest setback here, but if you find 3.2 inches enough, then you should be more than happy with what you get.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

Web browser

Navigation on the Nokia C5-03


Save for the aging OS, software is one of Nokia’s strong sides with the company’s free navigation and mapping service. The phone comes with Quickoffice to let you view your documents on the go (including the latest 2007 Microsoft Office formats), but for editing you would have to go for a paid upgrade. Disappointingly, PDFs are not supported out of the box. Social networking is loosely present with poor apps far from the functionality you get on Android or iOS.

Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review
Nokia C5-03 Review

Facebook client

The Nokia C5-03 comes with Quickoffice


Nokia C5-03 Review

Voice calling is clear and loud. Volume on the Nokia C5-03 was very good and audibility was on par. We heard natural and clear voices on our end and on the other things were just as good, our callers heard us clearly and we sounded natural.

Battery life on the Nokia C5-03 is very good with quoted talk time of 11.5 hours and standby time of 25 days. In reality, we found we could get two days out of the battery with moderate use.


We appreciate Nokia’s attempt to deliver an affordable smartphone but the dated Symbian^1 stands in the way of enjoying the almost full connectivity package and the 600MHz of processing power. Because of that, we feel that low-end Android handsets, such as the HTC Wildfire and the LG Optimus One, also have connectivity covered well and could be your alternative.

There are plenty of setbacks that could break the deal for the C5-03: some of the apps like the gallery and the browser are just terribly slow, Symbian is stuffed with menus, which make you feel like you are in a maze, and finally the fixed focus camera does not impress.

Currently, the Nokia C5-03 is sold at a retail price of about $280, but the phone is still expected in many markets and with the wider launch we can expect its price to get somewhat lower. Nokia enters deeper into the budget and mid-range smartphone markets and with the C5-03 it has some good potential. The price is more affordable than on current low-end Androids for example and compensates for some of the issues. If you are in store for a balanced phone with good functionality and can live with a dated OS, you might find the Nokia C5-03 just right.


  • Affordable price
  • Connectivity well covered with 3G and Wi-Fi
  • Free navigation
  • Good battery life


  • Symbian^1 is dated
  • Camera lacks auto-focus
  • Poor video recording
  • Noticeable lag in some essential apps like the browser and the gallery

Sumber : http://www.phonearena.com

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